What's Up, Welland?

Catching up with our partners in conservation

City of Welland Season 3 Episode 25

Each time guests from the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority pay us a visit, we’re left with outstanding awareness of the bounty of nature-based opportunities across our watershed. From the conservation areas close to Welland to the ecological diversity within all these areas, from why greenspaces are so important to how we can be mindful and responsible stewards when visiting them, this rich conversation is sure to get folks eager to experience and enjoy the outdoors.

Helping to highlight what to do, where to go, how to get involved, and much more with the NPCA are Dr. Alicia Powell, manager of conservation area programs and services, and Erika Navarro, communications specialist.

There’s always more to learn at www.npca.ca.

You can catch all past episodes and leave us comments at www.engagewelland.ca/podcast