What's Up, Welland?
A podcast about all things City of Welland: but more than that, it's about the community and the people who make it a premier place to live, work, play, and invest. Join us on What's Up, Welland? to learn more about what's happening in the City of Welland but also about municipal operations that affect everyone. Now in its second season!
What's Up, Welland?
Candidate Information: Special 2022 Municipal Election Edition
City of Welland
Season 1
Episode 16
Thinking of running for elected office this October? Find out what you need to know to get started and how the process works with City Clerk Tara Stephens. And remember, you need 25 signatures to accompany your nomination forms. And if you're not sure why Tara has all your answers.
You can catch all past episodes and leave us comments at www.engagewelland.ca/podcast