What's Up, Welland?
A podcast about all things City of Welland: but more than that, it's about the community and the people who make it a premier place to live, work, play, and invest. Join us on What's Up, Welland? to learn more about what's happening in the City of Welland but also about municipal operations that affect everyone. Now in its second season!
What's Up, Welland?
What do you call a band of berries practicing music? A jam session.
Ever hear the grr in your belly? That's hunger, my friend. But how does hunger affect us? More specifically, how might it affect our children at school? The connection between nutrition and learning is directly linked, and Jessica Stephenson, program manager of Niagara Nutrition Partners, knows this more than most. Jessica walks us through the importance of nutrition programs and how Welland students benefit from the work her small but mighty team does daily.
You can catch all past episodes and leave us comments at www.engagewelland.ca/podcast