What's Up, Welland?
A podcast about all things City of Welland: but more than that, it's about the community and the people who make it a premier place to live, work, play, and invest. Join us on What's Up, Welland? to learn more about what's happening in the City of Welland but also about municipal operations that affect everyone. Now in its second season!
What's Up, Welland?
Why is a baseball stadium the coolest place to be? Because it’s full of fans.
There ain't no party like a Jackfish party because a Jackfish party is unlike anything else you'll find in the IBL. That said, the party is only half the show. With a great lineup of players and promotions, the Welland Jackfish provide quality, fun, family entertainment all summer long. Ryan Harrison, president of the club, joined us on What's Up, Welland, to chat about the upcoming season, what you can expect from your experience, and why spending time at a ballpark during a summer evening truly is the best place to be. So hit the pond and get hooked with the Jackfish.
You can catch all past episodes and leave us comments at www.engagewelland.ca/podcast